Sunday, February 8, 2015

Award Ad Copy

This is one of my favorites. I found a cool way to celebrate this business' major achievement with a dash of humor.The last line is a nice way to inform customers that this company's dedication to creating new and exciting products is always a top priority.

Double-Sided Sell Sheet

Helping a business build their brand and showcase their goods/services are essential for any sell sheet. My copy and the eye-catching graphics and design do a wonderful job of conveying all of the benefits of this business and their many products/services.

News & Notes - B2B Sales Materials

These are always fun to write. News & Notes are B2B materials used by sales reps to entice foodservice providers and restaurants to order their products. The best part of these projects is coming up with fun and creative new ways businesses can incorporate these products into their menus.

Dreamies Print Ad

After Twinkies went off the market for a little while, any company that had a similar product made it their mission to inform Twinkie-deprived customers of their delicious snack cakes. This is an ad I wrote for Dreamies.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Cafe Bakery Contest Splash Ads

Splash ads are always a challenge to write. You need to grab attention, supply key information (without being confusing or wordy), drive the audience to the appropriate website, and do it within the parameters of the ad design. In the summer of 2014, I worked on two contests for Cafe Valley Bakery.

Package Romance Copy for Cracklin' Oat Bran

This is the back panel romance copy that I wrote for Cracklin' Oat Bran. This bestselling product was interested in changing direction with their marketing. The idea was to appeal to empty nesters and busy professionals. The idea was to show customers that Cracklin' Oat Bran wasn't just for the breakfast table. It could be used poured into a storage baggie to be used as an on-the-go meal for commuters. Active retirees could use it as the foundation for a trail mix. Anyone looking for a light lunch could incorporate Cracklin' Oat Bran into their favorite yogurt. It was a fun project and I am very proud of the end result.